Italian Dressing and Video Cameras

5:51 p.m.

I went to bed rather early last night. It wasn't intended, but I was extremely exhausted from late night shag and subsequent swallowing of own foot (read previous). Unfortunately, I missed Wanker's birthday party. I feel horrid and will try to make amends ASAP. However, I did hear that the party eventually consisted of a video camera being set up and the gang sitting around watching themselves.


Perhaps Goddess of Good Times felt that I should miss that exciting shindig.

Make mental note to write heartfelt thank-you card.

The most exciting event of the evening was dinner. I have discovered that a great deal of pleasure can be derived from looking forward to meals from specific food establishments. Steak-Out was the chosen treat for last evening. If the saying "You are what you eat" is true, then I am one big cheeseburger and a baked potato with cheese, sour cream, butter, and (secret ingredient) italian dressing. Try it. Lives will be changed.

Ooh. I just re-read that last paragraph. Definitely found the source of my expanding butt.

Perhaps I should find more fulfilling hobbies as opposed to full-feeling hobby.

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