Think First, Speak Much, Much Later

5:45 p.m.

I'm an idiot. I'm stupid. I need a proverbial smack upside the head. I must learn when to keep my mouth shut.

Trivia went as expected. No win even while sitting with the local trivia geniuses. Perhaps I am my own source of bad luck? Foamy goodness was indeed just that, conversation was somewhat stimulating, and a friend offered to pay for my tab as gesture of generosity. Ended up at Fortune Cookie's apartment and delightful shagging followed.

Shagging itself quite wonderful as always with Fortune Cookie. Never any complaints. We even had a post-shagging cuddle and talk. Of course, I found myself dangerously close to uttering the forbidden phrase. Caught the words right on the tip of my tongue. Twice. Luckily, I'm too smart for my brain.

Sigh of relief.

Catastrophe avoided.

Then, I proceeded to tell Fortune Cookie about said avoided catastrophe.

L: "Guess what?"

FC: "What's that?"

L: "I just caught myself before telling you that 'I love you'."


FC: "Uh...ok."

Remainder of conversation tainted henceforth.

I'm still curious as to what went wrong. It couldn't have been post-shagging bliss as I was still concentrating on fact that I had neglected to shave in the past 3 days.

I've decided that all thoughts will go through a 2 business days waiting period before passing through my mouth.

Seems to work for the local bank for access to atm deposits in my account.

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