A Fish Fry, a Lame Moniker, and a Little Smoochage

12:13 p.m.

I haven't gotten my pictures back from the wedding, so I won't be posting those for a bit. I ended up being the "unofficial" photographer, which was a lot more fun than expected. I'll write an entry about the whole trip, but for the moment I'll sum it up in 2 words:

How Peaceful.

I've got bigger fish to fry today.

I went out Monday night and stayed out way too much later than expected. It all started out with me returning some clothes and gettin' some cash stuffed into my hand. I figured it would more than likely burn a hole in my pocket, so I headed to a local Tasty Beverage Establishment. I ran into a guy that I've known so long that I can't remember how I met him or where I know him from. We'll just call him JD for lack of a better moniker. We bar hopped quite a bit over the evening, and to sum it all up, I ended up kissing him. A lot. So much, in fact, when I woke up the next morning, I had to check to see if any hickies were left behind.

Now to the average reader this may not seem like much. You may be thinking, "Hey, Lys! Good for you! You got some smoochage!!" But if you've read my past entries, you will have noticed a common reference to one by the name of Fortune Cookie. Now, he's not a boyfriend. He's more someone that I spend a great deal of time with and care for very much. Basically, we're "seeing each other", "dating", whatever you may want to call it. We've never sat down and said that we were exclusive, so, of course, now I'm wondering if it was an unspoken rule.

I probably need to analyze this a little further.

1. Did I enjoy kissing this guy?

Yes, but it wasn't necessarily because this guy is someone I've lusted over. I think it's more than likely because it was someone other than Fortune Cookie, whom I've kissed on a regular basis for the past 6 months.

2. Would Fortune Cookie be upset to know that I necked with someone else?

I don't know. And if he were, I don't think he'd tell me. Hmmm....

3. Would I be upset if I found out that Fortune Cookie made out with someone else?

Well. Uhh. Yeah.(Ooh, that says a lot right there.)

Now, here's the biggie...

4. Why'd I kiss this guy?

Revenge. I honestly can't think of a better answer than that. I'm obviously still a little pissed about Fortune Cookie's journal entry and our subsequent argument, and what better way to get even than to prove to him how much I don't need him?

But, if I were really honest, I think a part of me does need him. I enjoy him in my life. He makes me laugh. He makes me smile. He feels good and right. He's probably my best friend. So where does that leave the relationship?


I guess the question now is: Do I tell him?

Part of me feels that it won't make one bit of difference. The other part is my horrible guilty conscience. I don't think I'd want to be told. I don't want JD as anything more than a friend. I'm sure I'll never kiss him again. So, really, what's the harm done?

Don't look at me like that.

Hey, it could've been worse.

At least I didn't sleep with the guy.

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