Happy Birthday to Me

12:03 a.m.

Happy Birthday to me Today's my birthday. I'm now 26 years old.

Hmph. Doesn't feel much different than 25.


I spoke to Fortune Cookie online the other night. He happened to IM me while I was wandering aimlessly through chat rooms. Normally I don't do much chatting, but I had been sick all weekend and couldn't sleep. He asked how I'd been, how was the new house, etc. etc. - all the usual niceties.

Then he said he missed seeing me.

I replied that I missed seeing "you guys, too." It didn't slip past him like I'd hoped. So I changed the subject. I couldn't give him the reply that he wanted. I don't miss him. I miss playing with his curls, the songs he sang, the way he played with his dog, the way he held me at night. But that wasn't him. That was the occasional him.

I went and re-read his online diary yesterday. He hasn't written a new entry in a couple of months, but he has changed or deleted the majority of his previous entries. It's like he tried to change his past. I find that so depressing. Your journal is for you to remember and celebrate your life. Why erase or censor it?


Y'know, on second thought, this birthday does feel different. I feel peaceful. Solemn. Normally, I would be rounding up the people to start some hoopla this evening. But all I want is to quietly celebrate another year of life. Enjoy my family, my friends, my new home, all that is good with the world.

Life is good. I'm happy.

What more could one person need?

Oh. I forgot. James Marsters

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