Hey You! I Know Who You Are, and It's Pissing Me Off!

4:40 p.m.

Y'know, I find it very frustrating when I ask a coworker to not read my journal(Almost 6 months ago), and then I go and find their IP address on my stats.

I asked you in my journal and in person to not read this. I find it rude and immature that you are now copping an attitude with me. Yeah, I caught you. Don't be a jackass. I shouldn't have to apologize for not wanting you all up in my personal business. I have my reasons for not wanting you to read this. I don't have to explain them to you. Be a man. Show some respect for our working relationship and BUG OFF!


Sorry to everyone who is not the above person. I've just had it up to here, and sometimes you just gotta be mean to get a point across. And trust me, I can be a real bitch when you betray me. Zoloft can attest to that.

This journal is such a catch-22. It's very voyeuristic, but only to a point. I don't mind strangers or my friends reading this, but I don't want my family or coworkers knowing where it is. What's up with that? Is that normal? Let me put that question out to those that stumble upon this address:

Who do you want reading your journal, and who do you not want reading your journal?

Answer however you want - comments, guestbook, notes, email, whatever. If you think I'm just plain nuts, let me know. If you think I've discovered one of the great secrets of the world, drop me a line. If you just think I'm plain sexy, send flowers.


I believe I've discovered the reason why so many Americans are overweight.

It's not fast food. It's not laziness. It's not America's unusual food marvels like Sonic's Pancake on a Stick or those mysterious fried twinkies.

It's because of the gas.

All healthy food gives you gas. I'm serious. I have spent the past week modifying my diet, discovering new low-fat or sugar-free foods that actually taste good, and battling the constant gas that has been accompanying me ever since. I betcha that if we bottled it all up, we could probably float a hot-air balloon across Central Park.

There are probably times I should really think about what I tell you guys.

Anyways, cherry diet coke? Tastes like week-old bitter crap with a hint of cherry.


BTW, I just want everyone to know that:

My name is Lysistrata, and I'm a stats whore. Yes, it's about time I came out of the dark and let you good folks know that I luv when you people comment on my entries. I get chills when you leave me a note. And I practically pee my pants when you list me in your favorites.

So let's see if we can't keep me in love, constant goosebumps, and wet pants.

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