Rabbit Food: Not Just for Rabbits Anymore!

10:02 p.m.

Oh boy.

I screwed up. All of the warning signs were there, and I completely ignored every single one of them. You'd think I would've learned by now.

I just can't believe I did it.

I stepped on a scale. I weighed myself.

What was I thinking?

For so long I've lived in denial (or at least Fantasyville) about my health and weight, and I was pretty happy there. I've always seen myself as attractive and sexy, but, for some reason, stepping on that scale completely shattered my ego.

All of a sudden I'm scrutinizing everything I eat. I feel guilt over the littlest bite of candy. I come to the think that all of my meals should consist of rabbit food - in other words, lettuce and water.

That's not me!

Comfort has always been my utmost goal. Hell, look at my clothes! Why, all of a sudden, am I striving to be Victoria's Secret's model? I'm looking at skimpy swimsuits with such longing. I'm contemplating running and -gasp!- giving up smoking.

I must be nuts.

Oh forget it. Gimme a walnut blondie!

On a side note: Just found out that Fortune Cookie has his own online journal somewhere. Hmmmm. Wonder what kind of read that would be? Make mental note to find it.

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