'Cause you can never have enough shoes...

8:08 p.m.

Okay, so I'm trying to get on a more regular schedule of updating my journal. I had just about gotten the once-a-week part down pat, but now I figure "what the hey!", let's just dive right into the everyday thing.

So.....hmmmm....what to talk about.............

Y'know, this isn't as easy as I thought. I keep trying to think of witty conversations or little funnies that have happened in the past 24 hours ('cause lord knows ya'll don't wanna read none 'o that depressin' shit), but it appears that my life has been a bit slack in that department. I could tell you about my ingrown toenail, but I've never been one to enjoy gross humour, so why should I subject you to the same?

Ooh, wait. I'm gonna do a segue. You ready?

Speaking of slacks, I'm thinking I'm going to do a yard sale(See? Slacks are upscale pants. Get it?). It's about that time. What time, you ask? Time to clean the funk that is overflowing my closets. I truly have no organization to my closets whatsoever. Like Carrie from Sex & the City, I've got waaaay too many shoes and nowhere to put them. Not that I'd sell any of my shoes. Hell no! I just need to get rid of clothes that don't fit so I can put more shoes in their place. A coworker has already placed an ad in the paper for his yard sale, so I'll probably just pack up my stuff and head over to his place. We'll sit back sipping cocktails(yep, we're all drunks at the TV Station) and watch the money pour in.

Of course, I'll probably only make enough to cover the gas it cost me to drive over there. Damn cheap yard sales people.

The next problem will be figuring out what to sell and what to keep. I think my parents raised me to be a pack rat. It never fails. I decide to get rid of something, and, within 3 weeks, I decide that I need it again. I should probably quit buying so much stuff anyway. But y'know, my coworker was just telling me about these shoes that he's getting rid of that might fit me.....

Hey, it's not the same.

These are shoes we're talkin' about here.

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