How to Offend a Family Member Without Even Trying.

9:39 a.m.

After much crying, hair-pulling, pleading, and palm greasing, I have finally pre-qualified for a loan! God bless Mommy. It was really all thanks to her. She found some poor man that was willing to see us in person on a Saturday. Little did he know that we had already decided to sit in his office and not budge until we were given the answers that we wanted. Mom's car had even been stock-piled with sleeping bags, water, and packets of dehydrated food if needed.

So now I can make an offer on a house. Which I have already done, thankyouverymuch. This one is in much better shape than the first one. And it's a foreclosure, which means I can offer as little as 80% of the asking price and not offend anyone 'cause it's owned by the bank and they just want to get rid of the stinking place.

I offered about 86%.

Why risk it?

My sister asked me the most amazing question yesterday.

"Hey, what if the baby and I moved in with you?"

Now, I was already expecting this. 1) Mom had warned me earlier and 2) She's been wanting to get out of the 'rents house for a long time. I'm just not sure how to deal with this situation.

Let me put this into perspective for you:

Little Sis is 20 years old with a 2 1/2 year old baby. She will be 21 in November, but is already a well-seasoned drinker. She got a DUI when she was 17. She once tried to give me a bag of pot for my birthday. That I would have had to share with her.

She has not graduated from high school. Even before she got pregnant, she just decided she didn't want to go anymore. She's taking night classes right now in order to get her GED.

She's spends all week in front of the TV watching MTV and supposedly watching her son. Then, on the weekend, she goes out to the clubs and God knows where else and expects Mom and Dad to watch the baby for free. And she usually gives little to no notice that she wants them to babysit.

Oh, and she pays them no rent. I'm not even sure if she helps out with the groceries. She gets a child support check every month from the father, but that's supposed to go towards the baby's needs.

She has no job.

Now, I don't know about you, but this really isn't the best application for a roommate. She claims that she will soon be going to school full-time and getting a part-time job, but I really can't see a part-time job giving her that much money. I can't support three people. I have a hard enough time supporting myself.

And there's a reason I haven't had children yet. In fact, there's several reasons. And I love my nephew. He's my Soulmate. I just don't think I'm willing to raise him for someone who's too lazy to raise him herself.

This house-buying adventure was supposed to be fun and exciting. I've been dreaming about moving into a house that I love and making it my own. Having dinner parties and decorating a Christmas tree and putting a jack-o-lantern on the front porch. Picking out paint colors and window treatments and towel sets.

Besides, I like living by myself. I've been doing it for two years now.

I'm not ready to give that up.

So how do you tell a family member "no"?

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